By Simona F. Mainini, Dr. Arch.
Founder and President of Feng Shui Architecture, Inc. Beverly Hills, CAFeng Shui for Architecture by Simona Mainini is a handbook for builders, homeowners, professional designers, and architects. There is valuable advice for each group to be found within its covers, not the least of which is her desires to "assist homeowners and professionals in designing houses with 'good' Feng Shui from the start instead of trying to put a bandage on problems or make patchwork corrections after the fact."
Ms. Mainini is a graduate of Milan, Italy's Polytechnic School of Architecture and interned with Eric Lloyd Wright in Los Angeles, CA. She studied with Master Larry Sang founder of the American Feng Shui Institute, where she also became a teacher. This book can be used as a reference for home/office design and furniture or as a check list for those of you who are planning to build or buy.
After an interesting discussion on the history and development of feng shui the subject turns to what feng shui can and cannot do, how to choose a consultant and a short discussion on western styles of feng shui that have become popular of late. The relationship between architect and feng shui practitioner can be fraught with misunderstanding. The author provides some valuable insights on this relationship. After all, both professionals want the same result, a beautiful building that functions well and provides an environment conducive to productivity and health.
In the following chapters the applications of feng shui to architecture are outlined. From the beginning step of selecting the site through designing the interiors, the building energy, customizing the building, to construction and timing are covered. Qi, the basic life force practitioners work with, is often difficult to explain. Here it discussed in terms that are easy to understand and connections are made to other culture and even modern physics. Yin and Yang, the forces that we balance in the environment, and the 5 element transformations, one of the ways we accomplish this balancing and the 8 trigrams/lo shu are also covered.
Concepts presented in the book are illustrated with photos and real case studies. This format makes it easier for the reader to relate to the information. You are not just told to do this or not to do that, but what might happen if you do. After covering topics such as land elevations, soils, plantings, water features, the different types of shas (negative energy), building shapes, doors, square footage, various rooms in the house, and more, Ms. Mainini gives a quick peak into more advanced theories such a 8 mansions, which matches occupants with specific buildings and flying stars, which take into consideration the element of time.
This is a handy and well written book for anyone interested in traditional feng shui and its application. If I had to make a criticism it would be that the black and white photos were not as sharp as I wished for. But that is indeed a very small thing. Go find this book and read it today.
Diane Kern has been trained in the ancient art of Feng Shui in the traditional method. The knowledge has been transmitted through 13 generations from Masters to student via an apprenticeship of extensive study and practical field experience. Ms. Kern was included in a small group of students selected by her Master for advanced training. She is a member of an international team of experts, Alliance Feng Shui, whose resources can be called upon to accomplish your goals.
Ms. Kern assures the privacy and confidentiality of clients. Your name will not be used for advertising or referrals. The culture of integrity, respect and discipline instilled by her Master ensures you a productive working relationship and attention towards successful completion of your goals.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Diane_Kern
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